Under the red rocks

by Pato Bottos

Fifty years after the beginning of space exploration, human being plans to conquer an inhospitable and distant planet: Mars. Will the scientific world find the balance between progress and care of the planet?

Director: Pato Bottos
Production: Rucs Collective
Country: Spain
Category: Non fiction
Duration: 6 minutes
Year: 2021
Format: HD, Color

The cricket’s song

by Pato Bottos

After my father’s death, I pick up the filming sessions we made four years ago, while he reproduced a painting of William Turner. Those images become now revealing and show a true portrait of the relationship we used to have.
Director: Pato Bottos
Producers: Rucs Collective
Nationality: Spanish
Category: Documentary
Running time: 13 minutes
Year of production: 2015
Format: 4:3, Mini DV, Color

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by Haliam Pérez

A portrait of the workshop where teachers and students carve each day the new mosaic of cultures Catalonia.

In the streets of San Roc, a neighborhood in Badalona, Spain, many languages ​​are spoken. At the reception classroom of Lestonnac school, Anna tries hard for her students to learn one especially important: Catalan. It is not an easy task, but the learning and the integration process of these children depends on it. They do not know how long they will be there and at the same time Anna ignores if she will be able to teach them the language and the culture of the country that receives them. However, she keeps on building this oasis where cultural barriers vanish.

Director: Haliam Pérez
Producers: Alejando Montiel, Rucs Collective
Nationality: Spanish
Category: Documentary
Running time: 25 minutes.
Year of production: 2011
Format: 4:3, Mini DV, Color

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Marcel·lí, the urban farmerMarcel·lí, the urban farmer

by Rubén Margalló & Filippo Del Bello

A story about a man and a piece of land that need each other to survive.

Marcel·lí is an old man living in Horta, a neighbourhood in Barcelona. He depends on a wheelchair to move, but that does not keep him from working in his field every single day of the year. It is a piece of land that sooner or later is going to be expropiated by the municipality. Meanwhile, Marcel·lí observes with resignation the transformation of his once rural surroundings to an urban area. And what is left is his field. He only hopes to have the possibility to keep living as he likes for the rest of his days.

Directors: Rubén Margalló & Filippo Del Bello
Producers: Rucs Collective
Nationality: Spanish
Category: Documentary
Running time: 29 minutes.
Year of production: 2011
Format: 4:3 with letter box, Mini DV, Color
Festivals: ForadCamp, MiraDocs.

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